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Sleep Disturbances

Sleep disturbances occur throughout the night without you even knowing it...

Even though you were sleeping all through the night you may be experiencing sleep disturbances. There are over 70 different types of sleep disorders and are all categorized in three areas lack of sleep, disturbed sleep, and excessive sleep.

Sleep is needed for your body to function properly...

Sleep disturbances occur throughout the night without you even knowing it, this can be caused by many different problems.

Keeping your body in shape, dieting, removing caffeine, and developing a good lifestyle can correct these problems. Everyone is different, and Inner Balance Chiropractic & Massage Therapy Centre can help.

There are stages in your sleep that your body must go through to achieve a good night sleep.
This cycles over and over throughout the night.

5 to 10 Minutes

Stage 1

Light sleep and relaxation of the muscles. (Transition to sleep). Can be awakened easily.

10 to 15 Minutes

Stage 2

Activity in the brain slows and eye movement stops. Your body is preparing for deep sleep.

15 to 20 Minutes

Stage 3

Brains waves become slow (delta waves) and small quick waves occur. Also referred to as deep sleep.

Lasts for 10 Minutes

Stage 4

(REM) Rapid Eye Movement – dreams occur. Usually, REM sleep happens 90 minutes after you fall asleep

Each sleep cycle usually takes about an hour and a half to complete.
During the deep stages of NREM sleep, the body repairs and regrows tissues, builds bone and muscle, and strengthens the immune system. Sleep is needed for your body to function properly, so take care of yourself and do what it takes to achieve a good night sleep.

Having Trouble Sleeping? We Can Help. Call 519-451-5919

Inner Balance Chiropractic & Massage Therapy Centre Can Help

Dr. Schirru can help relieve your symptoms. Click below to learn more.

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Autumn Dittrich-Griffith

Life changing for my minor brain injury issues. When I first walked into Dr. Schirru’s chiropractic office last week I had taken a fall the night prior in the shower and hit my head once again. I have been suffering for 6 months with post major concussion symptoms also referred to as a minor brain injury. 24 Hour pain and pressure behind my left ear, Vertigo, memory intake issues, limited sleep, my mind always feeling foggy, severe Tinnitus and tracking issues in my left eye. I had reached a point where I was taking large amounts of nerve blockers for the pain, sleeping 3-4 hours a day due to pain exhaustion and wearing a 10lbs weight vest so I could actually walk in a straight line. I walked into Inner Balance believing I would have an adjustment completed on my neck from the pain I had endured from the prior nights shower fall. My appointment went differently then I could have ever imagined. Dr. Schirru took the time to Listen not just regarding my shower fall aches but to everything I had experienced in the last 6 months. Dr. Schirru examined my x-rays his office had completed and well…. the results of Dr Schirru’s adjustments have left me knowing things are truly going to be ok. Within my first 2 adjustments 100% of the pain and pressure behind my left ear was gone; I am already off 100% off the nerve block medicine. My vertigo 100% gone; balance is back. I have stopped wearing my 10lbs weight vest. My thought process is starting to feel crisp again. My memory intake is improving. My severe Tinnitus is not that “ severe” anymore. I’m not sleeping 3-4 hours a day due to pain exhaustion. I feel that Dr. Schirru gave me my life back in only the first few visits. I will continue on with the 5 stages of care. I share this hoping it reaches just 1 person with a minor brain injury to know there’s a solution.

Jared Gilbert

I've been going to inner balance for my whole life and I believe it has given me alot of energy and I've not had health problems.

Brenda Dottermann

Dr Schirru is really personable, the front counter staff are friendly and Dani the RMT has the best hands! Professional environment and people all around.

Max Valkenier

Since I started visiting Inner Balance Chiropractic 2 years ago I have had great positive effects on my body. I have sciatic nerve issues that is slowing me down and have an appointment with a specialist in 2014. In the mean time I get adjustments to alleviate the pain for as long as I can. I truly look forward to my visits, the staff in the office are warm and friendly professionals, and Dr. Schruu is definitely the professional that he claims to be. Thank you for keeping me healthy.

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